Home Public AffairsPolicy Norquist: 5 Goals of Tax Reform 2017

Norquist: 5 Goals of Tax Reform 2017


One: Lower America’s 35% corporate income tax rate to 20%, or even 15%, so we can compete with the OECD average of 23%. (The average state corporate income tax is above 4%). Lower the seven individual rates to 12%, 25% and 33%.

Two: Move from long depreciation schedules to immediate full expensing of business investment, dramatically reducing the cost of capital.

Three: Finally eliminate the envy-encrusted and job-killing death tax and AMT tax.

Four: Move from our “worldwide” tax system to a territorial system.

Five: Make these changes permanent, and avoid the Cinderella effect of temporary tax cuts.

Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform

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