While most Americans view infrastructure as roads and bridges, schools and broadband, there is a deeper and more basic infrastructure on which we all depend: The farmland that literally sustains us.
The definition of infrastructure — “fundamental facilities and systems serving society” — perfectly fits agriculture. And, what’s more fundamental than the land that grows our food? Yet America’s farmland is disappearing at an alarming rate of 1.5 million acres a year.
As with roads and bridges, we know we must invest. The next Farm Bill must secure full funding for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) that reduces farmland loss.
– John Piotti, President, American Farmland Trust
Farmers are the lifeblood of our nation. Pls support legislation that protects, sustains the family farms.
There needs to be a part of the farmland trust to have lawyers versed in what laws can be used to prevent coal companies and others from taking family farms or at least a list for each state that owners of farms can contact for advice. Alot of farm owners just do not have the means to fight them in court.
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