Home History Juneteenth is as important this year as ever before

Juneteenth is as important this year as ever before

by The 100 Companies

On June 19, Americans celebrate Juneteenth, in recognition of the emancipation of slavery. The annual celebration commemorates the day in 1865 that Union Gen. Gordon Granger told the town of Galveston, Texas, that the Civil War had ended months earlier, freeing all slaves.

In 1968, The Poor People’s Campaign marched into D.C. for economic justice, holding their closing event, the Solidarity Day Rally, on Juneteenth.

This year, interest in Juneteenth has multiplied, following protests against police brutality. Presidential rallies have been rescheduled, along with new declarations of a holiday by Virginia’s governor, and Twitter and Nike’s CEOs. Be safe and consider celebrating virtually.

– Margot Calmar, The 100 Companies

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