Home History They marched on Washington. What don’t you know?

They marched on Washington. What don’t you know?

by The 100 Companies
march on washington

We’ve all heard MLK Jr.’s famous speech. But what have you missed about this storied march?

• A. Philip Randolph originally planned the march in 1941, but FDR passed an executive order against discrimination, and the march was cancelled.

• The official name is the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

• Before the march, JFK worried that it was the wrong timing. MLK responded, “Frankly, I have never engaged in any direct-action movement which did not seem ill-timed.”

• Speeches weren’t the only performances of the march. Multiple artists performed live, including Bob Dylan.

This August, celebrate this historic event by joining the virtual march.

– Margot Calmar, The 100 Companies

The Washington DC 100

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