Home Public AffairsPolicy Harnessing the Power of the Sun to Help Feed the World

Harnessing the Power of the Sun to Help Feed the World

Don Ort standing outside in a field of a plants

The same day that five UN agencies announced global hunger is on the rise again, Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency announced its work to address the global food challenge will continue with the support of a $45 million, five-year reinvestment grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, and the U.K. Department for International Development.

RIPE has already proved that photosynthesis can be engineered to be more efficient, and increased crop growth by 20 percent, to help close the significant gap between the trajectory of yield increase and the trajectory of demand increase.

Dr. Don Ort, Professor, University of Illinois

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