Home LifestyleEvents Howard University to host International Conference on Stigma

Howard University to host International Conference on Stigma

by The 100 Companies
stigma conference

Each year, activists and health officials from across the country and world gather in DC for the International Conference on Stigma. The goal is to end the stigma surrounding HIV and mental health – particularly within communities of color – which prevents people from seeking evaluation, treatment and support.

This year’s conference takes place at Howard University on Friday, Nov. 22. Featuring 28-year-old HIV activist Kahlib Barton-Garçon as the keynote speaker, the day will be filled with personal stories, music, dance, artwork, research presentations and posters all centered around this year’s theme: “Youth Power Up for a Stigma-Free Future.”

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The 100 Companies staff


Harold A Maio November 5, 2019 - 2:29 pm

—-The goal is to end the stigma surrounding HIV and mental health   I am not impressed by those words, here are my reasons:

The goal is to stop endorsing those taught or teaching those stigmas. Until we do, we are merely collaborating with them.

Harold A Maio, retired mental health editor

Quinta Bih November 13, 2019 - 5:19 am

I will love to send an art work. It motives me a lot to see how people work hard to enough the stigmatized ones not to give up🙏

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