Home Public AffairsPolicy The National Security Imperative for U.S. Civilian Nuclear Energy Policy

The National Security Imperative for U.S. Civilian Nuclear Energy Policy


“Question: What do mitigating the global security challenges posed by climate change, the Nation’s nuclear navy, our role in worldwide nuclear non-proliferation, U.S. competitiveness in a global marketplace, and the security and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile have in common?

Answer: a robust domestic nuclear energy industry and supply chain,” said Secretary Moniz.

“ … Nuclear power development is a critical factor in global security. U.S. national security is enhanced if the public and private sectors work in tandem to shape the global spread of nuclear energy consistent with energy security, safety, environmental stewardship and geopolitical stability.”

Ernest J. Moniz, Former Secretary of Energy, President & CEO, Energy Futures Initiative

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