Home Business Shifting RFS ‘Point of Obligation’ Would Mean Higher Prices at the Pump

Shifting RFS ‘Point of Obligation’ Would Mean Higher Prices at the Pump


Since the inception of the Renewable Fuel Standard, refiners that make fuel have been obligated to fulfill the law’s mandates. It’s a system that has effectively integrated renewable fuels into the marketplace while keeping prices low.

Now refiners want to shift that obligation to fuel retailers – threatening consumers and the U.S. economy while benefiting a few oil companies. NATSO recently joined seven fuel-related associations in an unprecedented display of solidarity to oppose shifting this “point of obligation.”

The groups, which include both the American Petroleum Institute and the Renewable Fuels Association, urge EPA to formally reject these petitions.

David Fialkov, Vice President, Government Affairs and Legislative and Regulatory Counsel, National Association of Truck Stop Operators

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